Monday 29 September 2014

My 10th Birthday at Bheemeshwari Nature And Adventure Camp

I celebrated my 10th birthday at Bheemeshwari Nature and Adventure Camp with my family and friends. It was a beautiful area. We got up early and left for the camp. We stopped at Radha Hotel to have our breakfast and then continued our journey. When we reached, we played a warm up game in which we were divided into 3 teams. There were 3 rings on the ground. In each ring, there were many balls, about the same in each ring. Whichever team got the maximum balls from other rings into their ring in the end was the winner. We were allowed to take only 1 ball at a time. We played 2 rounds of this game.

Next, we did an adventure sport called Jumaring. It was a fun sport. At first, I was a little afraid. But once I got the hang of it, I thought it exciting. There were many safety equipments like a harness and a buckle. There was a rope which was attached to a branch of a tree. The buckle was attached to the harness and the rope. There were 2 more buckles which were attached to the rope which help us climb. Most of us made it to the top.

Then we did another adventure sport called channel crossing. There was a rope, harness and buckle in this sport too. The rope was attached to a tree on either side of the channel. The buckle was attached to the rope and harness. We had to lie down backwards and pull with our hands to go move. My brother and I were the only ones to make it across the channel and touch the tree among the children. It was very difficult. Then we had our lunch.

We played for some time and then did a bit of archery. When our parents came, we did some shooting. The target was a bottle. I managed to shoot the bottle once with the help of my father. Then we played for some more time. I then we cut my birthday cake.

After that, we played a team - building game. Firstly, we were divided into three teams. Each team had to discuss with each other and form a name and slogan for their team in the span of 2 minutes. Our team's name and slogan was - 'Cauvery Tigers - Need for Speed'. Then, each team had to sequentially step on number cards from 1 - 40. We were not allowed to communicate with each other though we sometimes did. We were also not allowed to step on the next number if the person who stepped on the previous number still has his/her leg on it. The team which did it in the least time was the winner. 

Then we went for trekking. It was a fun adventure in the mountain;going through branches (the mountain was covered with a forest) and moving across uneven land. Sadly, on our way to the top of the mountain, our guide sprained his ankle and could not move on. So we went up how much ever we could until we got stuck. We then came back to the place where our guide was sitting. With some difficulty, we helped our guide to his feet and helped him walk. We followed his directions and sometimes also the tracemarks that we made on our way to the top. Soon, we reached our camp. We played for some time and then went home.

Photo Log Of The Trip

Just before the warm up game

The warm up game beginning

The harness  The buckle
The team activity co-ordinator explaining how to use the jumar and the different safety equipments used in the method

The team activity co-ordinator helping me with the jumar

Me reaching the top using the jumar

Me doing channel crossing

Me almost finished with channel crossing

Me finished with channel crossing

Me doing archery

Me doing shooting

My birthday cake (pineapple cake - made by my mom)

Sharing my birthday cake with my friends and family

The team - building game

 During the trek


  1. I like the words you used in your blog. I'm waiting to comment on your next post.

  2. Well written siddhant. A well descriptive blog on all the activities we did. I am sure you will remember this day for a long time to come. Happy Birthday once again - Mummy

  3. Awesome write-up and excellent narrative skills, Sid! Keep posting! :)

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. Enjoyed readind Sid. Nice presentation and photo log. Keep writing. The team building game must have been a lot of fun :)

  6. I like the fact that you enjoy outdoor activities a lot. Also that you are able to vividly recount all that you did. Enjoyed reading through!

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